Dynamics of Supernatural Breakthrough is a book that has been prayerfully put together to answer questions as to why a lot of people out there have not been able to access the supernatural for their breakthroughs in life.
Topics handled in this book include:
• No situation is hopeless in your life.
• Do something to change your situation, now!
• And many more.
This book will enable you to know that the supernatural is not beyond your reach; that the God of heaven and earth can change negative situations for good. For the believer, the supernatural should be our daily lifestyle.
I earnestly pray that this book will deposit in your life the missing link to your consistent encounter with breakthroughs that is beyond the normal.
Kindle Edition
Dynamics of Supernatural Breakthrough is a book that has been prayerfully put together to answer questions as to why a lot of people out there have not been able to access the supernatural for their breakthroughs in life.
Topics handled in this book include:
• No situation is hopeless in your life.
• Do something to change your situation, now!
• And many more.
This book will enable you to know that the supernatural is not beyond your reach; that the God of heaven and earth can change negative situations for good. For the believer, the supernatural should be our daily lifestyle.
I earnestly pray that this book will deposit in your life the missing link to your consistent encounter with breakthroughs that is beyond the normal.
Kindle Edition