Christ’s mission to this planet was multidimensional. His ultimate purpose, as one sent by God, was to reconcile man back to Himself. This mission required the assistance of angels. Believers are also sent forth with specific missions, as are the angels of the Lord. Just as Christ needed them to ultimately fulfill His assignment, the Church of God must also receive revelation of the angelic realm, by faith, in order to finish her assignment.
Hebrew 1:14 declares “Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be the heirs of salvation?” This book provides the “heirs of salvation” with fresh prophetic insight on the various ways in which ministering spirits (angels) work to secure the promises of God for us. Revelation is also given on how we can invoke their services. There are also principles shared that provide a biblical basis for their relevance today. Detailed accounts from the scriptures are given to show the importance of the ministry of angels and the works they perform on behalf of covenant people.
Christ’s mission to this planet was multidimensional. His ultimate purpose, as one sent by God, was to reconcile man back to Himself. This mission required the assistance of angels. Believers are also sent forth with specific missions, as are the angels of the Lord. Just as Christ needed them to ultimately fulfill His assignment, the Church of God must also receive revelation of the angelic realm, by faith, in order to finish her assignment.
Hebrew 1:14 declares “Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be the heirs of salvation?” This book provides the “heirs of salvation” with fresh prophetic insight on the various ways in which ministering spirits (angels) work to secure the promises of God for us. Revelation is also given on how we can invoke their services. There are also principles shared that provide a biblical basis for their relevance today. Detailed accounts from the scriptures are given to show the importance of the ministry of angels and the works they perform on behalf of covenant people.