t is a frightening thought, a startling concept that someone would be given over to the devil himself. But that is precisely what Paul records doing in his first letter to Timothy, and it is precisely what he invites Timothy to do to others worthy of such a fate.
God’s people need to better understand this important aspect of the ministry of the church, and of God Himself. Study this portion of Scripture with John MacArthur to know what it means, and how God has designed for some people to be Delivered to Satan.
t is a frightening thought, a startling concept that someone would be given over to the devil himself. But that is precisely what Paul records doing in his first letter to Timothy, and it is precisely what he invites Timothy to do to others worthy of such a fate.
God’s people need to better understand this important aspect of the ministry of the church, and of God Himself. Study this portion of Scripture with John MacArthur to know what it means, and how God has designed for some people to be Delivered to Satan.