
The Country-Wife is a Restoration comedy of manners in five acts12. It was written by William Wycherley and first performed in 1675. The play satirizes the sexual duplicity of the aristocracy during the reign of Charles II1. The protagonist is Harry Horner, an infamous womanizer who spreads the false rumor that he has become impotent to convince other men to trust him to be alone with their wives345. The play was controversial for its sexual explicitness even in its own time2

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The Country-Wife is a Restoration comedy of manners in five acts12. It was written by William Wycherley and first performed in 1675. The play satirizes the sexual duplicity of the aristocracy during the reign of Charles II1. The protagonist is Harry Horner, an infamous womanizer who spreads the false rumor that he has become impotent to convince other men to trust him to be alone with their wives345. The play was controversial for its sexual explicitness even in its own time2
